sábado, 7 de marzo de 2015



The 42 % of the Germans keep on believing in the trefoil of four leaf clover, 36 % would like finding occasionally a chimney brush and 40 % believes in the luck associated with a shooting star. And the fact is that these tendencies have its logic. To find a trefoil of four leaf clover is not an easy task and the one that finds it: what luck! It has found one in millions. Other of the icons of the luck in Germany. Other of the icons of the luck in Germany. Also logic is the belief in the luck that brings the chimney brush. In the antiquity it might be compared with the fortune that rings at the doorbell in one winter day. Someone had to set to work the chimney. How not to believe this way in the force that was bringing the chimney brush in the icy days of the German winter? The bad auguries as the associates to the number thirteen are much more awesome. More of the fourth part of the population does not discard the sense of the magic of the numbers. It is not a prank with so many coincidences on this number. According to some, in the Last Dinner there were 13 messmates, the cabbala was accounting for 13 spirits of the evil, the arrival of the Antichrist and the Beast they are gathered in the chapter XIII of the Apocalypse, and in the tarot this digit refers to the death. On the other hand, 25 % of the Germans would avoid if it was possible that a black cat was crossing him for the street. The cat was already considered to be in Egypt a power animal. Also, in the dark middle age, one was associating the black cat with the witches, what of course gave birth to the current superstition.

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