jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

3.9 write a short leaflet about how to ride your bike safely.

to ride a bike safely you must: 
1 -. Wear helmets 
. 2 - do not get between the cars 
3 -. Did not bring my headphones and listening to music 
. 4 - pay attention to the road 
5 -. Observe traffic signals


Ask and answer the questions.

what does this sign mean?
1 means you can not smoke in the place where the sign is located. 2 you should not feed the animals. 3 silent, ie, they can not speak out loud. 4 that can not be nailed to the pool hechar. and 5 who can not walk on the grass.


PORTFOLIO: write a short list of things you must and must not do in your school.

things i must do in the school:
1 -. Wear the uniform 
2 -. Enter all classes 
3 -. Arrive on time 
 4 - put your cell phone in the classroom 
5 -. Meet and work tasks 

things i must not do in the school: 

1 -. Did not bring too short skirt 
2 -. Did not have perforations 
3 - do not go with too much makeup 
4 -. Rather not wear tennis shoes 
5 - do not skip classes


5.- Write two chores you have to do this week and three chores you dont have to do.

write two chores you have to do this week and three chores you dont have to do.


how does this house differ from yours? jot down notes. then tell your partner.

my house is very different from the walking house, my house is a little small and can not walk, besides that unfortunately my house is eco friendly as it does not get its energy from the sun or wind, another difference is that my house has two bedrooms and as this is a living room, kitchen and bathroom.